Programs: Leagues and Tournaments
Basketball League18 years old & up
Thursdays | Starting December 5 | 6:00 – 10:00PM | Ages 18+ Adult 5 on 5 basketball league. Teams will play league games and an end of the year tournament. There is a group of licensed officials for each game. Pick up your roster and a set of rules from the front desk or online. …
Spring Pickleball LeagueAll Ages
Wednesdays | April 2 – May 21 | 8:30 – 10:30AM | Ages 16+ Join us for our Ladder Pickleball League! Games will be scheduled between 8:30 – 10:30AM. No need to find a partner as each week you will be paired with other individuals with similar skill level. You will play with a different …
Winter Pickleball League16 years old & up
Wednesdays | January 8 – February 26 | 8:30 – 10:30AM | Ages 16+ Join us for our Ladder Pickleball League! Games will be scheduled between 8:30 – 10:30AM. No need to find a partner as each week you will be paired with other individuals with similar skill level. You will play with a different …