Personal Training

Our team is committed to helping you achieve your fitness and wellness goals. We work with you one-on-one, as well as in small groups, to address your unique needs and design a personal routine that fits your lifestyle.

Personal Training Services & Specialties

  • Weight Management
  • Functional Fitness
  • Strength Development
  • Parkinson’s
  • Youth Training
  • Small Group Training/Boot Camps
  • Athletes/Sports Performance
  • Adult Intro to Fitness
  • Joint Replacement
  • Active Older Adults
  • Golf Fitness

View Personal Training Offerings

View Golf Fitness Offerings

Meet Our Trainers

Matt Bauman

Fitness & Wellness Programs Manager

View Bio

Nick Hegge

Nick Hegge

Fitness Coordinator & Wellness Trainer

View Bio

Gary Pucher

Gary Pucher

Lead Wellness Trainer

View Bio

Grace Azure

Grace Azure

Wellness Trainer

View Bio

Charlotte Hermes

Charlotte Hermes

Wellness Trainer

View Bio

Austin Schultz

Austin Schultz

Wellness Trainer

View Bio

Paige Sisowath

Paige Sisowath

Wellness Trainer

View Bio

Personal Training Rates


Single Visit
6 Sessions 12 Sessions
30 Minutes $35
45 Minutes $52
60 Minutes $70
**All sessions expire one year after purchase date

Monthly Training Packages



Three Times/Weekly

30 Minutes
45 Minutes
60 Minutes $283 $472 $640
**Billed monthly. Sessions expire each month; unused sessions are not rolled over to the next month.


Questions? Contact Matt Bauman, Fitness & Wellness Programs Manager at 701-243-7643 or