Group Fitness BINGO!

Entire month of October – Starts October 1

Mark your calendars and prepare to dive into this fitness adventure. Whether you’re into cycling, weightlifting, yoga, HIIT, or Dance, there’s something suited to everyone’s fitness preferences. Plus, this is your chance to step outside of your comfort zone & try a class that you may not have experienced yet! Starting October 1, participants are encouraged to explore a variety of workouts and classes available at Family Wellness. FREE for members!

  • How It Works: Obtain a BINGO card from the front desk or your instructor and complete 5 boxes in a row by attending classes. Each BINGO completed earns you a fun prize & an entry into the drawing for the grand prize.
  • Collecting your stamps: Once you have completed a full class, meet with the instructor afterwards to collect your stamp! It’s that easy!
  • Prize Draw: Once you complete a BINGO, bring your card to the front desk for verification & collect your prize! Your entry form will then be submitted for the grand prize at the end of the month! The more BINGOs you achieve, the higher your chances of winning.