Tyler’s Journey – First Competition In The Books!
As a follow up to our story in April about our Family Wellness Training Coordinator Tyler Barnes (click here to read) who has completed his first Olympic Weightlifting Competition…and won!
Snatch: 2nd place with a clean lift of 105 kilos
Clean and Jerk: 1st place with a clean lift of 145 kilos
Overall Weight Category: 1st place
April Snatch: 215 lbs. Competition Snatch: 235 lbs. Gym Snatch: 245 lbs.
April Snatch Goal: 225 lbs. New Snatch Goal: 265 lbs.
April Clean and Jerk: 315 lbs. Competition Clean and Jerk: 320 lbs. Gym Clean and Jerk: 345 lbs.
April Clean and Jerk Goal: 335 lbs. New Clean and Jerk Goal: 365 lbs.
What is Olympic Weightlifting?
Weight Training, Powerlifting, and Olympic Weightlifting are all very different from each other. Weight Training uses a variety of specialized equipment to target specific muscle groups and types of movement. Powerlifting is a strength sport that consists of three attempts at maximal weight on three lifts: squat, bench press, and deadlift. Olympic Weightlifting is an athletic discipline that consists of maximal weight on two lifts: snatch, and clean and jerk.
When competing in Olympic Weightlifting, each weightlifter receives three attempts in each lift. The combined total of the highest two successful lifts determines the overall result within a body weight category.
Preparing for Competition
To prepare for the competition, Tyler did a 6-week program to build himself up. Starting with heavy weights his first 3 ½ weeks, he pushed himself to get to his current weights. For the last 2 weeks, he would do lighter and easier lifts to keep his repetitions consistent. He lifted every day to build confidence and keep his mental game strong. Of course ice baths also helped. Keeping his diet the same was also key for him as he was focused on maintaining his current weight and not moving up or down.
What Happens at Competitions?
There are multiple competitions throughout the state of Minnesota but Tyler was able to make a training schedule that fit in with competing at the Mendota Heights Spartacus Weightlifting Competition through USA Weightlifting. Arriving 2 hours prior to the start, he weighed in and gave his opening attempt weights (he used his goals from April). From there, based on others in his class and their starting weights, he was scheduled for his first lifts. After a large meal, he was ready to warm up. Starting with just the bar, he worked his way up to just below his starting attempts.
Snatch was first. He hit his first attempt of 102 kilos but missed his second attempt of 105 kilos. His 3rd attempt was clean. While close, he placed second, losing out to a lift of 108 kilos.
After a short break, Clean and Jerk was next. After warming up (just like prior), he hit his first attempt at 142 kilos, his second attempt of 145 kilos but missed the last at 149 kilos.
Though he knew he won after hitting his first Clean and Jerk, he still pushed himself to increase the weights on his next 2 attempts. Of the 20 competitors in his weight class, he knew what the others submitted for their attempts and was confident in the win.
The biggest surprise for him was how fast his 2 minutes between lifts went. He didn’t have a coach to help him with a strategy that would give him a break so his Clean and Jerk lifts were back to back to back, all needing to be complete in 6 minutes or less.
What’s Next?
Tyler is back to hitting the weights after his first competition however, he has bigger plans this fall including getting married so he will not be entering any competitions for the remainder of the year. He would like to compete in two to three next year so you will still find him training hard.
Congrats Tyler!