Memorial Stair Climb – A Passion for Zach
5 years ago, Family Wellness Trainer Zach was working at Scheels when a friend of his started to volunteer with the West Fargo Fire Department. Zach enjoyed hearing his friend’s stories after he went out on calls and a year later, Zach decided to apply to become a volunteer firefighter as well. Whether it be working with clients to better their physical fitness at Family Wellness or putting out a fire in someone’s home, helping people is something that Zach is incredibly passionate about.

Zach is one of 45 volunteers on call 24/7/365 at the West Fargo Fire Department. He has his job here at Family Wellness as well as his family and personal life. When a fire or injury call occurs, Zach receives a page and if he is available, he responds. Driving to the station, he mentally prepares himself for what to expect as well as the best route to get to the location of the fire or injury call. When he arrives at the station, he puts on his 55 pounds of gear and in less than 1 minute with at least 3 other volunteers arriving and doing the same. They respond to an average of around 10 to 15 calls a week at the south station in West Fargo.
His role as a firefighter directly relates to his role at Family Wellness. Being physically fit is a vital part of fighting fires. The equipment that is worn while fighting fires weighs upwards of 65lbs. Not only is the equipment heavy, but a hose that shoots 100lbs of pressure and 250 gallons per minute or a steel axe can add even more weight and pressure to your body.
Watch this video of Zach putting on his gear!
The Memorial Stair Climb started from an idea that Zach had while seeing other fire departments across the country climbing tall buildings in honor of fallen firefighters. With this passion, he had the idea to use the Stair Climbers at Family Wellness to raise awareness and money while honoring fallen firefighters and victims. Each year, around 20 firefighters from West Fargo, Fargo, Moorhead and the surrounding community will come to Family Wellness and climb 110 floors (the amount of floors at the World Trade Center) in full gear. All of the dollars raised stay local and are invested into the Salvation Army Emergency Disaster Relief Fund. During longer calls, the Salvation Army will assist emergency responders by providing water, snacks and more so they can continue to do their job. This service is greatly appreciated and this is there way of helping to give back.
Family Wellness is proud to host the only local Memorial Stair Climb on September 11th. If you would like to sponsor a climber or are a firefighter interested in climbing, please contact Zach at Free will donations accepted day of as well by the stair climb. All proceeds benefit the Salvation Army Emergency Disaster Relief Fund.