Diane, and her Quest to Row 26.2 Miles
With Fargo Marathon week approaching, Family Wellness member Diane Herzberg felt called to participate in her own unique way. This Sunday, she will do her 26.2 miles – on a rower.
Diane has recently made some lifestyle changes to improve her overall health. Since October, she has lost 40 lbs. “Personal health and fitness has is very important to me. I like the rower because it is a total body workout that is low impact.”
Concept 2, the rower manufacturer, promotes regular challenges to its users. Diane thought their Global Marathon Challenge was timed perfectly with the Fargo Marathon, and jumped at the chance to take on the challenge. Although nervous, Diane’s 6 months of training will help her reach her goal of finishing the grueling distance.
Diane plans to film parts of her rowing journey with aspirations of one day submitting a short piece to the Fargo Film Festival. If you’d like to support Diane, jump on the rower next to her and keep her company for a while. If nothing else, a smile and a thumbs up will go a long way – maybe even 26.2 miles.
Sunday, May 15th starting around 2:00 pm
Family Wellness, 2960 seter parkway, Fargo ND 59104